Tuesday 10 November 2009

Kanye West - Heartless music video analysis

This video is a good example of a modernised music video – cartoon. It uses a very fast cutting rate and which adopts the stereotypical style of a modern music video. This has an abrupt effect on the audience and does not let them focus on one particular shot, therefore when the pace decreases there concentration is on the man and woman.
Special effects are also used to help emphasize the characters situation and facial expressions as they are dressed in black clothing which makes them stand out.
Lots of flashing lights combined with a series of medium long shots which suggests excitement and possibly the theme of destruction. This is eventually unravelled as we learn about the love tragedy story-line.
High angle shots of the artist (example of the superiority associated with modern day rap stars). This also combines with the lyrics as we learn he is the main point of focus when he says 'how could you be so heartless', this allows us to realise that he is talking about the women in the next shot which spells out romance to the audience.
When he is smoking a cigarette this creates a theme of depression and heartbreak and this fits in with the nature of the song. This shot is a low angle medium close-up shot with flashing lights in the background which is associating modern day life with depression. This could also be associating modern day relationships with depression.
Tracking shot of artist signifying independence and superiority which could motivate the audience into independence
Male and female looking into camera representing the theme of love
Very colourful and eye catching - to appeals to the audience
Point of view shot combined with an over the shoulder shot to make the audience feel emotionally involved.
The video ends with a still medium shot of the woman walking out of a door. There is then a fade and a stop to the music. This is signifying the end of not only the music video but of their relationship. This leaves the audience with something to think about.

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